Joseph Campbell: The Man Behind the Myth Joseph Campbell was born on March 26, 1904, in a New York City suburb and passed away on October 30, 1987. Mr. Campbell is best known for his work in comparative mythology . In his research, he compared myths from different world cultures and identified certain patterns that repeated in all of them. This discovery led him to introduce a highly influential storytelling concept known as the monomyth . The monomyth is a template of universal storytelling and it is based on the principle that all storytellers in the world tell the same story. Only, they tell it in different ways, recycling and disguising old plots and character archetypes and weaving them into seemingly-new tales. The singular universal story that we all tell, according to Joseph Campbell, is the story of the hero, who, in turn, represents our ideal self. The monomyth model, more popularly kn...
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